Wearing Gorgeous Celtic Jewelry

I did a collaboration with D&O Celtic Jewelry https://docelticjewelry.com, he handcrafts gorgeous jewelry inspired by celtic findings and ancient symbolism. In these pictures I am wearing one of my favorite symbols, a gold-plated Triquetra. It is so beautiful and I am so pleased to finally have it adorn my chest.

Also in these pictures you can see some wonderful celtic hair jewelry which I purchased from the lovely LoitsuCrafts https://www.etsy.com/shop/LoitsuCrafts , perfect for attaching to braids or dreads!

The Triquetra (also known as the Trinity Knot)

The Triquetra is one of the most common Celtic symbols. A number of different cultures used the triquetra for various meanings over time. Christians use this knot as a symbol of the Holy Trinity. Historians believe pagans used it long before that. The triangle shape of the triquetra always represents three elements. Here is a list of some triads it might represent:

  • The Holy Trinity
  • Life, Death and Rebirth
  • Order, Justice, Peace
  • Faith, Hope, Charity
  • Past, Present, Future
  • Mind, Body, Spirit
  • Land, Sea and Air

Another place you see the Celtic triquetra is in Venn diagrams, which is used to illustrate how the classes of things overlap. The triquetra appears in these charts when they have three classes or elements. For instance, a triquetra appears in the Venn diagram that shows the how the primary colors red, blue and green combine to make other colors. For example, red and green make yellow.

Pictures taken in my garden. And yes, it was freezing cold. Here’s one of the garden bridges we made last year:

Look how pretty it is up close! My bronze rings are handmade as well, from someone making them at a medieval market. And one of them is antique.

Visit his instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/dodesigns
My instagram: https://www.instagram.com/voiceofnature

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