The little Easter Bunny and the Coltsfoot Fairy (and a gift to you)

This year’s Easter was absolutely dreamy! We got tons of snow and it would not stop snowing for days. It was just perfect for spending the holiday here at home by the fjord. Originally we were supposed to travel to our mountain cabin or at my Grandmother’s place, but because of the virus situation we spent the days at home, together with our Workawayer.

So we went skiing in the mountains a couple of times, and otherwise were occupied with lots of projects at home. At the end of Easter (this holiday lasts for 11 days in Norway), the snow started to melt and give way for spring.

You can read my previous posts about Easter here, I assure you, this is quite an amusing concept in Norway.
How We Celebrate Easter in Norway
Happy Easter, and what I’ve been up to this winter

We dressed up our baby boy as a cute Easter Bunny! I’m so happy we managed to take these pictures before he grows out of this wondrous hat (made by @adaphotoprops). And the beautiful knit jacket his Great Grandma made for him, with that pretty braid pattern. And the lovely oak leaves and owl onesie by Colorwool!

When the snow disappeared I just kept the yellow theme going:

I got inspired by yellow spring flowers called ‘Coltsfoots’ (hestehov) for this outfit, they are brown and yellow and in Norway it is like the first sure sign that spring has arrived! To find the first one of the year always made me so happy. They are not the most beautiful of flowers, but they bring us so much hope and joy!

I used to pick the first one every year and press it, as a sign I had survived another year in this strange world. Imagined I would have quite the collection when/if I grew old! It’s been many years since I forgot about it. I guess life got better! 💛🌱

Coltsfoots look like this and are actually edible, both the leaves and the flowers. It’s been used medicinal for ages, especially used for colds, coughs and a sore troat. It is actually the main ingredient in many herbal tobaccos. But it is no longer recommended to ingest large quantities of it.

Obviously not my picture, just to show you how they look like. Little sunshines!

Some more pics where he was wearing that bunny hat (it is soon getting too small)! In the last pics, he is also waring the elven boots made by @marcusstratus

Some other news: I’ve written a new article for Faerie Magazine (now called Enchanted Living), in their last issue winter edition, about an amazing Scottish fairytale house which I visited. It was like being in a real Storybook! The magazine can be bought from their website. They are also generously offering 9 of their earlier issues for free as a digital download in these quarantine times, included this one! My articles can be found in 3 of them, the Tolkien issue, the Into the Forest Issue and the Hygge Issue. Click here to find it: A gift to our readers

4 Comments on “The little Easter Bunny and the Coltsfoot Fairy (and a gift to you)”

  1. I love than bunny hat <3 It's so cute. I want to try make something like that but I have no idea how big to make it, I might just make a random size and use it when it fits 😛 I don't think I've seen coltsfoots here in Finland but I will keep an eye out for it, maybe I thought they were Dandelions without looking too close. I loved your article on the eco-villages in the Forest issue, I haven't read the others yet but I will soon <3

    • Yes, you should definitely try knitting one! How exciting. I so wish I had one in bigger sizes, maybe even one for myself! And thank you so much for taking the time to read my article!

  2. Hello! Your blog is beautiful!
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    • Thank you! I think you need to check your spam filter, because you need to confirm your subscription. I personally subscribe to blogs through, there you can follow any blog you want, and the posts will show up 🙂

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