Pregnancy announcement and a maternity photoshoot in the beautiful spring forest
I’m so happy to share with you that we are expecting a baby girl in June (due on the summer solstice)! Our son will become a big brother and this is all so exciting! It’s hard to imagine what life will be like, but we are following our dreams and feel truly blessed. Now we’re going to enjoy our last weeks as a family of 3, and do quite some preparations before the little one arrives. Feels great to finally tell you these news!
I felt slightly inspired by art nouveau for this look… except I didn’t wear one of those iconic headdresses… but I definitely dream about making one in the future. My necklace is also in the art nouveau- style. What else to say, than I can assure you not many of my clothes fit me at the moment.
These pictures were taken in the area where we live, while walking a path along the fjord, where lots of wild garlic are growing.
Forever barefoot!

And here is a picture I took after our ultrasound scan when it was confirmed we are expecting a little girl. These were the only girl’s clothing items I had laying in our house at the time. But I have lots more already stored in my parents house, which I’ve collected over the years… because it seems I actually insisted on having a girl one day. Although I have loved being just a boy’s mom so much: I think boy’s are the coolest most amazing beings… and my heart breaks thinking it won’t just be us two anymore. Anyways… having one of each feels so right, and is what was meant for us.