Deep Into the Mushroom Forest
I’m saying goodbye to autumn and getting ready to embrace the winter with this blog entry about mushrooms. These amusing little creatures are a huge part of my life, but I write about them far too rarely. I’m a mushroom expert, me and my boyfriend run a mushroom farm and sell our produce for a living, I do mushroom dyeing and I love to make artwork featuring fungi. In my fairytale-style home, mushroom figurines are to be found everywhere. A pot of dark medicinal mushroom tea is always brewing in my kitchen, to enhance my health. Additionally, one of my favorite things to do is frolicking around in the forest looking for mushrooms and foraging for whatever else I can find.

I’m in distress in periods where nature abounds with edible treasures and I’m too busy to be able to gather any of it, I then feel that something is terribly wrong, not doing what all my ancestors has done before me, something which runs strong in my blood. Being out in the mushroom forest can be absolutely euforic, making you forget all the troubles and sorrows of the world. It is like the most exciting treasure hunt, like finding gems in all kinds of colors and shapes and sizes.
I love always learning something new. And with mushrooms you always would, even if you lived for a 1000 years.
I don’t only love to pick mushrooms, I also love to capture them with my camera. Here are some of my most recent pictures, taken in the deep and dark norwegian forest, enjoy:
Always picking mushrooms in comfy, flowy clothes.
Met some old breed norwegian viking sheep, female and male, looking badass.
Bloodred webcap, I pick these for dyeing. Gypsy mushroom Moss troll.
On this spot I always find a bunch of wild champignon, they are incredibly delicious compared to the ones in the shops.
The gold of the forest. Believe it or not, this is Lactarius rufus. I awakened the moss dragon! Can someone please produce coat hangers like these?
Hope you enjoyed accompanying me to these mossy woods!
I would love to know, any other mushroom enthusiasts out there? 🙂
Ååh, jeg har så lyst til å kunne masse om sopp og gå på tur i skogen og finne dem! Men vet ikke om jeg vil like å spise dem, haha. Elsker vanlig champignon og østerssopp, men aldri likt kantarell 😮
Meld deg på et soppkurs, da lærer du masse 😀 Mange sopper som er gode. Kantarell skiller seg litt ut. Kommer mye an på hvordan man tilbereder dem da. Jeg fortrekker sopp litt sprøstekt.