More kittens! Cuteness overload.

Kittens… again! I would call it a cute and happy accident. We certainly did not plan it this time, but what to do? We enjoyed some time with what is hopefully our last kittens for a long while or many years. And they were totally adorable and the sweetest little souls. With all very distinct personalities. One little girl made her way straight into my heart, being extremely affectionate, clever and interested in everything we did. The kind of cat which would stay on your shoulder most of the day if you let her. Luckily she got a forever home with our dear friend @gaiadottir 😀

Here is some adorable pictures I took of them! But honsetly, life with kittens is not all glamour, cuddles and fun. They make a mess and basically destroy your entire home. You might visit me and at first everything looks nice and cozy, but with a closer inspection you might start to notice white cat hair everywhere, and how my pillows and fabrics are damaged by claws, or how many of my things are mended with super glue 😉 My adult cats Zelda and Ori are very well behaved though! Life with adult cats are quite wonderful and effortless. And now all the kittens have found new homes, and we are all enjoying some peace and calm. Of course we miss the wee ones, but we are pleased to have done our part in finding them the best homes and feel quite assured they will have a good life.

I hope you all appreciated this dose of kitten cuteness overload 😉
Do you have cats? I would love to hear just a little something about them!

4 Comments on “More kittens! Cuteness overload.”

  1. Aaaaw, my baby! Seing these photos makes me realize she has grown so much! 😭 And hahaha, I laughed so much at the bathroom photo! 😂

  2. Hello from Texas! I have 11 cats! I keep them indoors (except for the screened-in porch) because we have so many coyotes. My oldest is 14. All are rescues. I am currently fostering a mama cat and her one kitten. I have a home lined up for the kitten as soon as she is weaned, but I’m still looking for a home for her mother. A couple of years ago I fostered another mama with 7 kittens. I took them to a local shelter and all were adopted witin a week! Unfortunately, people frequently dump animals in the area where I live. It’s very sad. I do what I can to help. I really enjoy your posts, by the way! I was introduced to you in Faerie Magazine. You are living my dream. Keep spreading your magic!

  3. They are so cute !!! I do already have a cat, she’s my girl (even during her mad day moment), after that she’s coming to me for cuddles and this is the best time cause she stays in my arms like a baby, that is so sweet, I’m melting everytimes !

  4. Aw, they are so cute!
    I don’t have a cat since I am not allowed to have any pets where I currently live. But when I move to some place where I can have pets, I definitely want one!

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