Interior Magic and Fairy Lights

I captured some winter/Christmas/New Years mood which I wanted to share with you, better late than never! The landscape is still covered in snow, and spring still seems quite far away. Every winter I sprinkle my home with some wintery decorations, like icicles, evergreen branches, glittery things, dead branches and extra many fairylights and candlelights. For Christmas I put up some additional nisse/gnomes, red mushrooms and such. For New Years I’ve started making my place quite purple, which is easily accomplished with 10 metres of purple fairylights (I can choose the color), and rotating purple light bulbs. Festive indeed!

After that everything return to normal, as in I’m just letting the more wintery decorations stay. Then it gradually evolves into Easter, then spring. But for now, lots of new snow is scheduled to come during the next few days, and there is nothing else for me to do than to put on my skiis and the baby sleigh, to get some fresh mountain air. Not exactly complaining 😉

Everyone in Norway is supposed to stay home or in quarantine these days, but we’re still allowed to be out in nature. Not much is changing for our part, except that we are a small business which works from home, and a main income for us is fresh produce (mushrooms). So we are dependent upon people buying from us, to survive. If not we’ll be forced to eat mushrooms to prevent starving, haha 😉 Unfortunately the markets have started shutting down, which is unfortunate, as our mushrooms takes months to be ready for fruiting, and it can not be postponed.

Other than that I’m one of those introverts, so I am well adjusted to circumstances like this. I did have to cancel a series of events and plans, but so far, I’m doing really great!

I actually got this fiberoptic christmas tree when I was about 10 years old. It is hard to capture on a picture how pretty it is (for being a fake tree). The colors change and fade into each other. Would never have bought it now, but I hope it lasts for many years still.

My Celtic Tree of Life vowen tapestry is made by Celtic Art Studio.

I don’t think I’ve posted pictures of the exterior of our house before, but here it is! From one side at least. It’s not the elven hobbit house I dreamed about, but it is a 100 years old wooden log house (logs no longer visible from the outside). Totally restored and renovated by us, and we’ve built an addition to it with 2 rooms. At least it is cozy and quirky inside! If I was supposed to live here forever, I would build gables on both side of the roof, as well as a tower, and dragon style heads on all the top points of the roof 😉

Our ducks go outdoors all year. They are Indian Runner ducks and can apparently handle temperatures down to -20 degrees celcius well. But usually it don’t get very cold here though. They seem very happy, at least as long as there’s no ice. Because then they look like clumsy penguins 😉

Hope you all had a lovely winter! Do you decorate your home according to seasons? What’s some of your favorite winter deco?

2 Comments on “Interior Magic and Fairy Lights”

    • It’s complicated! We never planned on living here for long, but some years have passed and I feel quite attached to this place and I feel a lot of love for it. But our plan was always to create a fairytale ecovillage, and for that we need much more land. I’m first and foremost thinking about my children and about finding a good place for them to grow up, with like-minded people around. Our place is quite amazing in various ways, so it is hard to find something better (which is in our budget), but we will keep our eyes open.

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