Lady of the Wood Anemones

My first nickname when I got the internet were “Hvitveispiken”, which translates to “Lady of the Wood Anemones”. This white and star shaped flower grace the forest floor all over Norway and many northern parts of the world every spring, with thick carpets of white as far as the eye can see. For every year there seems to be more of them in my garden as well, maybe they sense how much I like them?

Zelda fits so well with the wood anemones!

Cuddling Link



Simple and elegant beauty! Definitely one of my 3 favorite flowers.

Found a gorgeous morel mushroom

Best friends

Some springs the fjord here turns a shade of turquiouse for some days, and it is all so beautiful.

Took a walk in a nearby valley

Love being in the forest in spring!

Discovered a bird’s nest in our garden!

Gorgeous or what? I found out they are Thrush eggs.

Looks magical.

Our friend Camilla came for a visit 🙂

So this blog entry was painful to make. I’m still crying several times a day because of the loss of my dear cat Link. And all these pictures were taken while he were still alive. The following pictures are the last ones I ever took of him, after the accident and before he died. He might look ok, but really half his body were out of function and he was slowly dying. We had him on heavy pain relief medications those days. Still we had beautiful moments, allthough sad. The day before we let him die, I took him outside one last time, to sit in the grass and feel the wind and the beauty of this world just one more time.

Link… I will love you forever!

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