Garden nights, fairylights and campfires

Happy Midsummer everyone! I hope you are having happy and bright days. Here spring has turned into summer, I use to think of the summer solstice as the gateway to summer, it is still often quite chill here in Norway in late June, but everything is green and beautiful and flowers are blooming everywhere. This year everything bloomed a lot sooner than ususal. It is growing so fast and I have not been able to keep up with it, being super pregnant and all! I did manage to plant an assortment of vegetables and flowers though, just crossing my fingers that most of it will survive while I’m occuppied elsewhere.

Wanted to post some mostly fresh pictures taken of my garden in previous years, I love my garden more for every year as we shape it more to our liking. Here is some pictures featuring a small part of our massive garden! This time the pictures are from the part right in front of our house, if you want to see other parts, click on the Gardening and Permaculture cathegory 😉

We’ve got a trampoline which we put mattresses and sheets and pillows and blankets on, to have a space to relax in the garden, and for those rare moments when I decide to bathe in the sun while reading a book.

Someone called this “the burning bush”, hehe! It is adorned by copper colored fairy lights, and in the beginning they were super bright! They have faded quite a lot now though.

We typically celebrate Midsummer by the campfire in our garden 🙂 I absolutely love being in our garden in the evening and the night, it is so beautiful with all the myriads of fairy lights, and the smell of roses and many other flowers.

My fern paradise! Path to the campfire place.

So I might have forgotten to mentioned that we’ve got a flock of ducks now! This is the 3rd year they live here, and I love them. I guess I’ll make a post dedicated to them some day. Before we got them we made this pond, the water comes from a natural spring in our garden, and then it runs under the bridge. Ducks love water and ponds!

Foraging Meadowsweet in the garden, then drying it. My kitchen is filled to the brim with various herbs and flowers I’ve gathered!

And in the end, some white currants! They taste sweeter than the red ones. It’s a bit hard to see when they’re ripe, but you just have to practice.

One Comment on “Garden nights, fairylights and campfires”

  1. In a clearing in the trees, Herberg De Helleborus ’ vintage caravans, cabins, and teepees are gathered around a campfire. Vases of wildflowers and painted cabinets decorate the communal outdoor (covered) kitchen and eating area. For chillier nights, you can hang out in a large, wooden cabin filled with fluffy sofas, fairy lights, piles of old books and centred around a stove, followed by a dip in the hot tub. Platters of watermelon, cheeses, and overflowing salad bowls set the sharing, friendly tone.

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