Autumn look, gifts from the garden and blissfull October!

Everyone loves atumn, and so do I! Sometimes I wish I could just bask around in autumn for an unlimited time. Alas, autumn in Norway usually last for just a few weeks, if you count from when the colors are showing and until most of the leaves have fallen. Sometimes it will be raining during this entire period, but if you’re lucky, you’ll get some glorious colorful weeks full of treasures from both the forest and the garden. The wild berries and most of the garden berries will have been picked already, but the plums and the apples and the pears are ready to harvest, as well as the last of the veggies… and let’s not forget about an abundance of mushrooms! My favorite thing about autumn.

Autumn makes me really happy, but also a bit melancholic, knowing that all this fun and beauty will be gone in just some weeks, making the trees bare and the colors grey, brown, white and faded. Still, all you can do is to appreciate it all moment for moment, and maybe, if you are like me… caption some of it in a photo, to look at when days feel dark, bleak and cold. These pictures are not from this year, but I hope you will enjoy them as well! 🙂

Ori helped me pick the last of the plums!

I tried to match some of those autumn colors 🙂 Ori is always up for joining my shoots, luckily!

And here is a shoot I did for another day. Honestly sometimes my everyday style gets a bit out of hand and I end up like this 😉 And Ori joined me once again!

I always turn our spare apples and plums into delicious sugarfree jam:

The obligatory pumpkin pies!

Some autumn deco in our livingroom

Pumpkin collection

These are the best pictures I’ve captured of spiderwebs so far!

Hope you all had a glorious autumn!

6 Comments on “Autumn look, gifts from the garden and blissfull October!”

  1. You’re the magical and mythical spirit of every forest cteature combined. Love the way every picture captures the beauty that surrounds you and your sweet family.

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